28일(현지시간) 오후 10시께 터키 최대도시 이스탄불의 아타튀르크 국제공항에서 자살폭탄 테러가 발생해 최소 31명이 숨지고 100명이 넘는 부상자가 발생했다.
AP·AFP 통신 등은 현지 언론을 인용해 베키르 보즈다 법무장관이 이날 테러로 31명이 숨지고 147명이 다쳤다고 말했다고 보도했다.
터키 도안 통신은 세 차례 자살 폭탄 공격으로 최소 32명이 숨지고 88명이 다쳤으며, 사망자 중에는 경찰관 2명도 포함됐다고 전했다.
다른 관리도 '대규모' 인명 피해가 발생했다며 사상자 중에는 외국인 관광객도 포함돼 있다고 말했다.
AP 통신은 터키 정부 고위 관리의 말을 인용해 이번 공격에 4명의 테러범이 연루됐으며 사망자가 50명에 이른다고 보도하기도 했다.
보즈다 법무장관은 "테러리스트 1명이 국제선 터미널 입구에서 칼라시니코프 소총으로 총격을 가한 후 자폭했다"고 말했다.
다른 관계자는 테러범들이 공항 터미널 입구에서 경찰의 총격을 받고 폭발물을 터뜨렸다고 전했고, 또 다른 관계자는 괴한들이 공항 입구 X-레이 보안 구역에 들어가기 전에 자폭했다고 말했다.
한 목격자는 두 차례 폭발음이 들린 뒤 총격이 있었고 세 번째 폭발이 일어났다고 말했다고 로이터 통신은 전했다.
Turkey Airport Blasts
ASSOCIATED PRESS Turkish forensic police officers work inside Istanbul's Ataturk airport, late Tuesday, June 28, 2016. A Turkish official says two attackers have blown themselves up at the airport after police fired at them. Turkish authorities have banned distribution of images relating to the Ataturk airport attack within Turkey. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel) TURKEY OUT
Turkey Airport Blasts
ASSOCIATED PRESS An entrance of the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul after explosions, Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Two explosions have rocked Istanbul's Ataturk airport, killing at least 10 people and wounding around 20 others, Turkey's justice minister and another official said Tuesday. (DHA via AP) TURKEY OUT
Turkey Airport Blasts
ASSOCIATED PRESS Turkish security officers gather outside Istanbul's Ataturk airport, Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Two explosions have rocked Istanbul's Ataturk airport, killing several people and wounding scores of others, Turkey's justice minister and another official said Tuesday. A Turkish official says two attackers have blown themselves up at the airport after police fire at them. The official said the attackers detonated the explosives at the entrance of the international terminal before entering the x-ray security check. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)
Murad Sezer / Reuters Ambulance cars arrive at Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Osman Orsal / Reuters Paramedics push a stretcher at Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Goran Tomasevic / Reuters An injured woman covers her face as she is carried by paramedics into ambulance at Istanbul Ataturk airport, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Murad Sezer / Reuters Airline crew members leave Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Osman Orsal / Reuters People leave Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal
Osman Orsal / Reuters People leave Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Osman Orsal / Reuters People leave Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal
Osman Orsal / Reuters People leave Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal
Osman Orsal / Reuters Police guard the entrance to Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal
Murad Sezer / Reuters People leave Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Murad Sezer / Reuters People leave Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Goran Tomasevic / Reuters People walk away from Istanbul Ataturk airport, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Goran Tomasevic / Reuters Armed security man escorts people from a carpark at Istanbul Ataturk airport, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Turkey Airport Blasts
ASSOCIATED PRESS Turkish rescue services gather outside Istanbul's Ataturk airport, Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Two explosions have rocked Istanbul's Ataturk airport, killing several people and wounding others, Turkey's justice minister and another official said Tuesday. A Turkish official says two attackers have blown themselves up at the airport after police fired at them. The official said the attackers detonated the explosives at the entrance of the international terminal before entering the x-ray security check. (Ismail Coskun, IHA via AP) TURKEY OUT
Osman Orsal / Reuters Armed security stand at an entrance of Turkey's largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Osman Orsal TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Turkey Airport Blasts
ASSOCIATED PRESS Turkish police and rescue services gather outside Istanbul's Ataturk airport, Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Two explosions have rocked Istanbul's Ataturk airport, killing several people and wounding others, Turkey's justice minister and another official said Tuesday. A Turkish official says two attackers have blown themselves up at the airport after police fired at them. The official said the attackers detonated the explosives at the entrance of the international terminal before entering the x-ray security check. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)
Turkey Airport Blasts
ASSOCIATED PRESS Medics and security members work at the entrance of the Ataturk Airport after explosions in Istanbul, Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Two explosions have rocked Istanbul's Ataturk airport, killing several people and wounding others, Turkey's justice minister and another official said Tuesday. A Turkish official says two attackers have blown themselves up at the airport after police fire at them. The official said the attackers detonated the explosives at the entrance of the international terminal before entering the x-ray security check. (IHA via AP) TURKEY OUT
현지시간 오후 10시 30분(한국시간 29일 오전 4시 30분) 현재 한국인 부상자가 있는지는 확인되지 않았다.
이날 한국에서 출발한 국적기는 없었다. 평소 인천발 국적기는 오후 4시 이후에 이스탄불에 도착한다.
국내 항공사의 한 관계자는 "대한항공은 오늘 인천발 이스탄불행 항공기가 없는 날이고, 아시아나항공은 일정이 취소됐다"고 말했다.
현장 영상과 사진에는 강력한 폭발력을 보여주듯 천장 패널 수십 장이 바닥에 떨어져 있고 파편이 어지럽게 흩어져 있다.
테러 배후를 주장하는 단체는 아직 없지만, 경찰은 이슬람국가(IS)의 소행으로 보고 있다고 도안 통신은 보도했다.
일각에선 IS가 '건국 2주년'(6월 29일)을 앞두고 테러를 저질렀다는 관측도 나오고 있다. 지난해 IS는 자칭 건국 1주년을 앞둔 시점에 프랑스와 튀니지, 쿠웨이트에서 동시다발 테러를 저지르기도 했다.
아타튀르크 공항은 유럽 내 3위, 세계 11위 규모의 대형 공항이다.
이번 테러는 올해 들어 이스탄불에서 발생한 네 번째 대형 테러다.
최근 터키에서는 쿠르드 분리주의 무장세력인 쿠르드노동자당(PKK) 또는 이슬람국가(IS)의 소행 테러가 잇따르고 있다.